Barack Obama - One million calls

Organizing for America

Rudolf J. --

If we don't pass health reform, millions of Americans will be trapped in a broken status quo, unable to pay their bills or see a doctor when they need one.

More and more employers will drop coverage for employees. And Medicare and Medicaid will blow a hole through our budget.

There's too much at stake not to get this done. That's why OFA supporters have made 849,856 calls to Congress in support of health reform since August.

And that's why today, with the Senate locked in last-minute negotiations, our goal is to hit one million calls.

Can you help? Click here to call your senators now and help us "ring in reform."

Ring in Reform: Call Now

This holiday season, millions of Americans will go without desperately needed care simply because they can't afford insurance.

But insurance lobbyists are desperate to pull apart the bill and derail reform, so your voice is needed now.

Call your senators, then tell the staffers who answer where you live -- so that they know you are a constituent -- and that you support reform.

Then click here to make sure you call is counted in the race to a million:

Thanks for standing up,
