Model of Multiple Memory Storage: Taking Mental Notes to Save Time

Many people make it a habit to keep track of their day to day agendas by relying on their memory, taking mental notes for them to keep up with their tasks and commitments. They use this approach

to save time. In truth, this is an ineffective method that only serves to exhaust the brain, and cost more time.

The human brain has a limit for tackling chunks of information simultaneously. To know how to manage your time effectively with this method, you must first understand the Model of Multiple Memory Storage.

In the process of storing information in our mind, our brain follows a certain pattern which is the Model of Multiple Memory Storage. Here, information we acquire from our surroundings passes through 3 stages, the Sensory, the Short Term Memory, and the Long Term Memory Stage.

When our senses are triggered by a certain stimulus, information travels to our brain to the sensory stage. If given enough attention, the information is transferred to our short term memory storage. This stage has a limit of 7 slots in which a chunk of information can be placed on each slot.

It is important to not handle too much information at one time because of this. Tackling just few information at a time may prove to be very effective for the information to travel to the long term memory stage making it easier to retrieve.

In understanding this, we can avoid wasting time trying to remember what we have to do next. There are days where our only option is to take a mental note because we just don’t have time to grab a pen and paper. Understanding how our brain stores information through the Model of Multiple Memory Storage can help us do our tasks effectively and save us time.


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