Approximation Avoidance Conflict

Approximation avoidance conflict includes a set of positive and negative action sequences which hold themselves the balance, so that the concerning sees itself broken up to the incapacity to act and decision. Approximation avoidance conflict give birth to a state of mind in which two contradictory happenings are present,

among which mostly the second one is based on approximation and is thought to be avoided.

This type of conflicts can be explained very easily while explaining the human mind. Like when a cloth like fur is dirty, one wish to wash it but then one also wants not to wet the cloth as it is made up of fur. That is where the conflict starts. As the cloth is made up of fur, one wants to avoid the cloth getting wet after washing. This gives rise to avoidance. But as everyone knows if a thing is washed it gets wet so the approximation comes from the fact that if we wash the fur it would get wet.

Approximation avoidance conflict occurs more often as frequently the approximation from the distance symbolizes only once no huge dilemma; the more near an ‘unknown quantities' however approaches all the more rises the avoidance tendencies. In the somewhat inflexible earlier concept attempts one accepted approximation and avoidance as gradients, which slashed themselves for a split second at one point before ‘unknown quantities', at the drive and inhibition equally ignored itself in remaining between inquisitiveness and fear.

Other than the approximation avoidance conflict there are some other states of mind near to it as well. These are named as Double Approximation conflict, Double Avoidance conflict and Double approximation avoidance conflict, depending upon the choices and the positive and negative alternatives present in the mind of the person. These conflicts can build up due to conflicting expectations and motives, which can create extensive emotional tensions.