
The phenomenon of precognition may best be explained with an event most people have experienced: the déjá-vu (already seen or experienced). The experience of living through an incident exactly the same way as in the past is accompanied by an unnoticed insistence of a 'jamais raconté' (never been told) in the unconscious.

As an event has never been described correctly, never been correctly related, never been admitted, despite the unconscious urge to do so, certain scenes may be apt to mental interpretation as if they had already been experienced.

This is the phenomenon on which particularly the thought of the reincarnation is based. But finding out the 'never been told' dissipates the 'déjà vu' forever. The mirroring scenes of a 'déjà vu' are in close connection with the echo-discourse, or echo-discourse of a 'jamais raconté' in a knotted interference, and so, result in a seemingly occult phenomenon.1

It is but natural that the mirroring-scenes, the scopic drives, are not a phenomenon of imagination but are correctly situated in the unconscious. And the 'never been told' correctly strives toward the outside as an echo. But, the composition of both elements remains more unconscious than each individual one does, and thus, appears 'incorrect' - as mentioned above.

Till now, though, no one has ever managed to evidence reincarnations, either. More to this later on.


1 It might be of advantage to use redundancy - rhetoric instead of echo - rhetoric,. We are not dealing with an directly genuine dialogue. Rather, it relates to a conversing, as if such would consist of the litter, the cacophony (as in redundancy, echo) of a dialogue. Included is something cognition scientists have come across and which fits to it, namely 'self-referential' terms, i.e.: "This sentence would be seven words long, if it were reduced by seven words." Such self-referential sentences represent conversing which includes itself in itself, just as an echo does.


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