Self-Analysis, Finding a Standard

Self-analysis can be a very useful skill toward personal growth and life change. But, just as in self-reflection as a skill, it can be used wrongly. It is important to find an objective measuring tool to analyze yourself, and to have your own self-analysis be true and right.
The first thing to acknowledge in order to do this in a healthy manner, is that we as humans are biased. When it comes down to it, we can be real liars to ourselves. That's just a simple fact.

Our skills of rationalization are off the scale. We can talk ourselves into virtually anything.

So take a look around at what your goals are. Who do you want to be like? What is the end result that you're looking for? Without this, your self-analysis will be worthless.

So set a goal, a standard to keep your eyes on. Take a good look at this persons ways and habits. If this is who you're wanting to become like, you're going to want to look at the way they live each and every day and how they go about their actions. Take this, and weigh it out against your own life.

Write down what you see. Yes, you've got to write it down. There's something about writing it down that solidifies it in your mind and heart. Don't feel bad and helpless at the differences, just write it down and look at it as data.

Take it in and consider it all. Now that you've got your objective data in front of you, make some goals. Take each and every point, and look long and hard at where you're at, and what it's going to take to get to where you're going. This type of self-analysis will give vision and direction to what could be an otherwise aimless journey.



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