The Glittering Traits of Child Ego

All the main characteristics associated with Child are not always considered helpful or beneficial in adult life and many people repress their Child state so that they may avoid unnecessary trouble and complication from their life. Such people believe that adult is able to solve their routine issues with transactions and when it does not work there is Parent to help and hence they may stay I control at all times.

What one must consider is the things there Adult or Parent self is unable to experience because the Child is the only one having the facilities to experience them.

For example the role of curiosity in an Adult life is non-existent and the Child lives by it, hence he gets to discover the world in a way an adult could never fathom and also helps in the creativity process. Another important trait that may come in useful despite being a Child trait is the single minded determination to achieve something and doing whatever it takes to get it, because as Adults we start evaluating the pros and cons of certain actions and are afraid to take the necessary risk, the Child on the other hand guided by his intuition would go that extra mile and succeed.

Last but not least is the exceptional trait of manipulation that Child exercises to get what he wants. Although grown up would prefer the Adult approach and try to get people to do what he needs done by explaining it logically but it may not work with most people, so at such instances a little manipulation comes in handy, knowing when to press advantage and when to give in a little to get a favor out of the other party are the basic requirements to a smooth progress in life professionally as well as socially.


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