Creativity- A Child’s Tool

Creativity is one word that somehow associated with children. It is also considered an important feature of Child ego as explained by Berne in his theory of transaction analysis. It is present in every Child may it be Natural or Adapted, as children are not only have unrestrained imagination but also are more easily inspired and less logical in their thinking.

Although there may be a difference in the expression of their creativity and their level of creative development as t is very much influenced by the environment, hence a natural Child would have a more expressive and creatively developed personality then an Adapted Child.

Child ego analysis show most creatively advance children are put into sub set of natural Child called the Intuitive Child or the little professor. Hence creativity is one of the defining traits for recognizing the little professor. It can not only be seen in their drawings and writings but also in their little lies and mischief.

As we grow up our imagination does not exercise the same freedom and hence we start experiencing the creative inhibition. It may be the result of the Adult ego state as it only approves of logical and practical thinking and hinders the creative process. Or Parent Ego maybe reason, for it is concerned with its controlling and safekeeping rules and regulations and this can hardly accommodate the creative procedures.

Hence we not only should facilitate the Child to develop its creative ability but also give free reign to our Child ego to take control when any creative works need to be done as it is going to come up with innovative ideas but also help us relax and enjoy the work for a change and get a break from the Adult state of ego, which is not only very precise but also tiring at times.


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