Perception of conflict-specific Behavior

Any approach to violence and war needs some unproven viewpoint and conceptual framework for understanding, describing, and explaining these phenomena. In my unproven framework everybody is

an individual person, a dynamic mental field of dispositions and powers.

We are then a dialectical balance of these individual fields, a conscious field comprising our sociocultural environments and physical ecology.Now, fact is divisible into 3 levels : potentiality, reality, and manifestation. Potentiality is the infinitude of multifold and intersecting probabilities underlying a reality of dispositions and powers, of determinable things trying to become determinate, categorical, manifest.

As dispositions, things have a power bearing on us, animating our attention and their design. We aren't passive victims of these external powers, but their active combatants. We transform fact by our point of view on it, a viewpoint composed from our physical location ( our station ) ; sensory receptors ; cultural matrix of schema, meanings, and values ; and dynamic mental field.

Perception is then the resulting of the dialectical conflict between a reality attempting to become manifest thru us and our point of view change of this fact. Perception is so a clash between us and reality--a balance between the 2.

As such, it's a mixed sensual-conceptual appreciation of external dispositions and powers. What then we understand is a situation. Perception is just one side of the complex we have to grasp.
Another concerns our behaviour. Violence and war are, in fact, collections of human actions.

To put such actions in the wider context of our mutual behaviour, we must expose the linkage between perception of eventualities and behavior--the equation connecting processes and forces inside us to what we do and see. Now, in the mental field is a space of our behaviour potentialities. These outline our possible roles, behavior patterns, replies, and suchlike as bounded by our culture and environment.

Dependent on our multidimensional character, we effectuate particular behavior potentialities as dispositions. That is, we are inclined to behave particularly ways which we may call habit, custom, practice, obsession, routine, etiquette, custom, and the like.

Behaviour dispositions are one component of a tetradic structure of our dynamic field. The other 3 are our character, our perception of a situation, and our expectancies. Expectancies refer to the predicted effects or outcomes of our behaviour.

So , the tetradic structure is composed of what we see, our personality, our inclinations, and our intuition about the outcome of our actions. Also , thru behavior interactions with external fact we establishe a routine, an accommodation with the external world thru contest with it.