Time Structuring, Berne, Hunger

Time structuring - Originally called by Dr. Eric Berne as "time theory". To understand Berne's idea of time structuring,we must understand about the hunger he identifies. The hunger he implies is the need/drives.It is also referred as stimulus hunger or sensation hunger.Social interaction is in itself is a gratification of sensation hunger.

That is the reason prisoners will try hard to avoid solitary confinement. This sensation hunger is as important as that of a hunger for food.

The human mind subconsciously, structures the time to give and recieve strokes and pass time.. Recieving love,support,recogonition and validation is referred to in transaction analysis as stroking(needs).Getting the needs met is the emotional nourishment that keeps us alive ,growing and motivated.According to a transaction analysis research, a complete withdrawal of strokes will lead into a central nervous detoriation condition called marasmus.

To avoid the pain of boredom, we structure the time in such a way that we get enough strokes. we structure time in six ways.



- rituals

- pastimes

- games

- activities

- intimacy

1. Withdrawal : It is the "me time". one gets withdrawn from everything and resorts to himself. He does'nt sleep but involves in activities like painting, listening to music,meditation, walk in the woods etc.. This time is essential to refill his emotional resources to meet the needs of the civilization. It is the dominant way of recieving strokes.

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