Covert Transactions - Examples

For instance, instead of expressing anger directly, we may tend to use a sarcastic remark with a smile. Here the original intent might be the expression of anger and not the sarcasm. Similarly, when we are scared of any of our failures,

we may react by counter-attacking in order to conceal our fears.

Another popular example of a covert transaction is that of a boss asking his female colleague, from his Adult ego state, to stay back in the office for some work, while his body language may be indicating at sexual intent, coming from his flirtatious child ego state. In this case there could be several responses but the other party who gets a hint of the original intent replies in Adult ego state verbally for the overt intent, while communicating acceptance to the hidden intent through gestures from her child ego state.

Thus in a covert transaction explicit social conversation runs parallel to an implicit psychological transaction. Four ego states are usually involved in a covert transaction - two on the part of the communicator and two on the part of the receiver in the transaction.

It is a common phenomenon that truth in its entirety is elusive in day to day transactions. One does not believe that the other person could be entirely trusted with his intentions and whether he is coming forth in all sincerity in the transaction in question. Therefore, while we do not trust what others say, this suspicion acts as an inhibitor for our original feelings to come out. Sometimes, we are not sure what the original intentions of the various ego states emanating in our own personality.

In this context, TA specialists suggest that it pays to be honest with one another in everyday transactions and with oneself about one's needs, feelings and emotions. This will help us to find out in reality what one needs and how to achieve that.