Understanding the Ego-State Model

The ego-state model is a model developed by Eric Berne who has also developed transactional analysis. The ego-state model is a core theoretical model which is used to understand the psychology of human beings. It is important to understand that ego-state model is just a model, and if you are not able to relate to it or find it very helpful, you don’t need to worry!

There are various other theories available which can fit your experience and can help you understand the psychology of human relationships.

According to the ego-state model, we can divide our inside world in three different areas. These areas are called the parent-ego state, the adult-ego state, and the child-ego state. When the ego-state model is represented graphically, the three states are stacked upon each other in the form of circles.

The parent ego-state is placed on top with the adult ego-state in the middle and the child ego-state at the bottom. Each of these ego states is consistent within itself, but they may not always be consistent with each other.

Adult-ego state is the middle circle in the ego-state model diagram. In your inside world, Adult-ego state is the state to be. When you are in the adult-ego state, you are living in the present and are aware of your options as an individual and your feelings are a result of what is happening in the present, in the ‘here’, and in the ‘now’.

Parent-ego state is basically a mental image of how we perceived our guardians and our parents when we were children. When we were young, we saw our elders, our parents, and our caretakers with a narrow, limited perspective.

The child-ego state comprises of all the behavior patterns which are left over from our experiences as a child. It is important for us to remember all the behavior and thinking patterns in order to grow as an adult.