Life Script Analysis, Liberation I

The whole purpose of learning about life scripts is to be in a position to liberate yourself from their tyranny. Otherwise you aren’t acting with true free will. Unless you are a psychotherapist, you are not concerned with others. But you can change yourself. Conventional psychotherapy is a long and expensive process and

it would be useful to be able to develop enough understanding and some techniques to help you short-circuit the process.

Let us get a broad understanding of what a life scripts is. It is a set of beliefs with predetermined responses which are triggered by a particular topic and are expected to result in a particular outcome. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Of course, sometimes the outcome isn’t according to script and this poses a problem We are predisposed to develop life scripts because they are part of our survival mechanisms and they can be formed by I occurrence.

Say for instance there is a crisis and you respond in a particular way which works. The next time you face a similar crisis you will respond in the same way. Even if it doesn’t work the second time, you may well still respond in the same way to subsequent similar crises... The “fight-or-flight” response is a life script. So life scripts can have physiological effects as well as mental and behavioural ones. But it takes years to learn all the techniques of psychotherapy as well as all the characteristics of different life scripts and how to treat them. There are many interesting books on Life scripts available and these are well worth reading.

These techniques are designed for working with often uncooperative people with severe psychological problems who do not wish to give up their patterns of behaviour and are often designed to get agreement to the need for change in the first place.
