Where ever you go, there you are I

Why can't you find that special someone? You don't want to, or more precisely, you haven't given yourself permission to find that special someone.

Why are you stuck in that "dead end" job? It's exactly what you wanted, or more accurately, it's the only kind of job you have given yourself permission to have.

Transactional Analysis theory maintains every individual lives according to a "life script", determined by the individual at a very early age. Granted, you did not write that script yourself, nor is it likely you wrote it at a conscious level.

This deeply embedded story-line of your life was inspired by powerful authority figures, especially parents and even significant younger peers, who communicated powerful injunctions or attributions that have enduring positive or negative impact. These powerful messages from powerful people at a formative age helped you write a life script for that says, "I am OK", or, "I'm not OK".  And further, life will be "OK", or "not OK".

"Injunctions" have the force of a command or an order, and make deep impressions on a child. They are often stated in the negative, and some of the most common messages received by children as they unconsciously write their life scripts are; "you must not feel", or, "displays of emotion are not acceptable". "You must not be yourself". "You must not succeed". "You must not get too close".

Is it any wonder that someone who has written a life script that says, "you must not get too close", has been unlucky in love? Is it any wonder that someone who has received and embraced the message, "you must not succeed", has "struck-out" in their career? As the old country song says, "wherever you go, there you are". You have arrived exactly where you decided to, according to Transactional Analysis, wherever that fork-in-the-road may be.
