Archetype Family II

It is well known that parents who were abused as children can in turn abuse their own children, although there are some who totally reject such behavior.

Knowing this can help us identify our own maladaptive attitudes and identify the reason.

But we should be very careful not to treat our children they way we were treated unless our parents were loving in all ways. Remember, even a generally loving parent may have certain negative behaviors, Look out for these.

Simply identifying them does not mean they are overcome. These are deep-seated patterns and psychologists earn good livings because they are so hard to get rid of. You need to be on guard for them and replace them with something more therapeutic. It is very easy to say dismissively. “It’s all in your mind!”  But that doesn’t mean they are easy to treat. Far from it. Living up to your full potential means that you must be awake to when you are reverting to old, bad habits. That’s what they are - habits.

Fortunately there are tools such as EFT and BSFF which are available for free download and can be very effective at helping you break such habits. These techniques are now being used by many therapists, having been originally developed by psychotherapists who were frustrated at being unable to cure patients. Her Dr Roger Callaghan played a leading role, these later techniques being developed from his findings. Download the instructions and learn to use them. Better still; teach your family to use them. They a simple to use and totally safe.

We can help our families by making them aware of tools which have been useful to us. Don’t you wish it hadn’t taken you so long to find out all that you now know? The more we do this for our children, the easier it will be for them with their own lives and families. You can be the one who starts a whole new way of living in your family.

(continued from part one)