The Role of Sensuality and Sexuality II

•   The subject of male rape is taboo in many circles, because it combines rape with homosexuality. The new values that make homosexuality equally valid with heterosexuality have not yet percolated to the realization that men can be victims of rape as well as women. This leaves male rape victims either falsely labeled homosexual or exaggerating the abuse.

•   Some taboos are based in biology but remain equally true today. Children are rightfully shielded from sexuality to avoid abuse by predators. The taboo on pedophilia is because it hurts children. Pedophilia is still harmful and still wrong today.

•   The taboo on premarital sex was based on the concern of creating illegitimate children who would grow up without a family to protect them, often abandoned on the streets or left in orphanages and a drain on society. This is less of a concern in a world with good contraception and more diverse family structures.

•   Incest has been taboo for most of the world for most of human history. Only a few great royal families practiced it over time, such as the Egyptian pharaohs and Hawaiian kings. Incest brings sex into family relationships, adding sexual competition or lust to the only relationships that were previously safe examples of non-sexual love.Incest was taboo due to the genetic harm to children created and the destroyed families left in its wake. Incest remains taboo because incest with children causes horrific damage to their development and incest among adults creates discord within family structures and destroys trust within them.

•   Acting in an overtly sexual manner in public is taboo at worst and illegal at best. This is because lascivious behavior is distracting, disruptive and upsetting for most. Having sex in private is acceptable. Having sex in public is a distraction and disruption for adults and exposes young children to something they should not be.