The Role of Sensuality and Sexuality I

Sexuality and sensuality are two closely related concepts. Sexuality involves the mechanics of sex and emotions such as lust. Sensuality involves attraction, arousal, pleasure and joy. Many taboos revolve around sexuality, sensuality or both.

However, sexual exploration is normal and natural in children. What is the difference between a boy and a girl? Boys and girls have different organs and wanting to see the difference is simply a matter of curiosity.


•    It is natural to feel sexual desire.

•    It is normal to think about sex. These are not dirty thoughts.

•    A child exploring their own genitals is akin to a baby realizing that it has feet – it is simply an act of discovery.

•    Lusting for one’s own sexual partner is healthy.

•    Sexual attraction toward others of the opposite gender is the norm. Men frequently find their eyes on another woman’s anatomy. This is biological. The harm is when a man or woman violates the trust in the relationship by having sex with someone outside of the relationship.


Taboo is a Polynesian word that translates into that which is forbidden. In modern society, taboo means “you don't do that” along with feelings of guilt or shame if you do it or even think about it.

•    Many sexual taboos are based on religious precepts that range from outdated to absurd. Prohibitions on homosexuality were based on the drive to make as many people as possible, an outdated value in a world with over seven billion people. The fear of masturbation was based on the thought that it would weaken a young boy or man’s health if engaged in, something we now know not to be true. Prohibitions on rape were previously based on violation of a man’s property rights, the sexual ownership by the father or husband of the girl. Today rape fantasies and rape porn are still taboo, but because rape is a violation of a person and causes him/her harm.

(continued in part two)