Keeping the Child Inside

To understand and get the benefits from Berne’s theory of transaction analysis, one must fully understand the three basic ego states which are the main constituents of his theory. Child, Parent and Adult, all are equally substantial. Yet the Child ego is the most fascinating of all, as seen in children in expanded periods of time and even in grownups too in places when they let it take control like sports events and parties.

Natural Child ego is the happy, care free and creative state of being; all these qualities are very productive even for grownups.

But the other traits and characteristics like being impulsive, emotional, aggressive and most of all uninhibited are also part of Child ego and they are the reason that most of the grownups are fearful of Child taking over in places other than parties etc. On the other hand if somehow you encounter such behavior, it could be easily handled as all these qualities could be used for your advantage. For example an emotional and uninhibited Child could easily be intimated into complying with your opinions or demands. However a rebellious or aggressive person may be a little difficult to handle but you can manage that by placating him as a nurturing Parent.

Nonetheless, one should really try to keep an account of which ego state is functional in what situation because only then he would be able to change his state of ego to facilitate a smooth communication transact ion. Yet repressing one state like Child, for whatever reason, is not advisable. We all need to relax and enjoy every once in a while and true uninhibited joy can only be experienced if the Child within is given room to take over. Creativity is another thing that is more productive in Child ego state.


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