Meine Buchempfehlung

I've been there - Joe Biden

Rudolf J. --

Two weeks after it was signed into law, health insurance reform is still the talk of the town.

It's for a good reason: This was a historic accomplishment. But it wasn't easy. I remember what it's like to be a senator and take a tough stand on an issue -- confident that it's the best thing for your constituents, but equally sure that special interests will pour buckets of money into attacking you for it.

Your senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, did just that when they supported health reform. Now, we need to provide a line of defense money can't buy: the voices of real constituents speaking out and showing their support.

That's where you come in. Do you have three minutes to jot down a quick letter to your local newspaper? If you need ideas on what to say, you can watch a quick video Organizing for America put together about how reform will benefit California.

Click here to get started.

Believe me, senators and their staff read the letters page -- because they know just how influential it can be. Your letter could make a tremendous difference.

In my conversations with my old colleagues, I made it clear that this White House was prepared to back them up -- that no barrage of partisan attack ads would go unanswered. But to follow through, I'm going to need some help from folks like you.

This legislation will put Americans in control of their own health care, rein in insurance-company abuses, and give millions of Americans access to affordable health care for the first time.

Special interests know that in the coming months, all their lies about reform will be proven false. But that won't stop them from inventing new ones and spreading attack ads.

It's just the first step, but one letter from a constituent is worth a hundred paid advertisements. So please make sure your friends and neighbors understand the benefits this law will bring to ordinary Americans -- take three minutes and write a paragraph or two now:


Vice President Joe Biden

P.S. -- Not only is Sen. Barbara Boxer facing special interest attacks, but an election looms this fall, and Republicans have pledged to repeal the reform we fought so hard for. We need Sen. Barbara Boxer in Washington -- will you pledge to volunteer for Sen. Barbara Boxer's re-election fight?



