Meine Buchempfehlung

Motivation as a driver for Success in Learning

A number of studies have been conducted to measure the conditions and factors that lead to success in learning, which is understood as an accomplishmentof specific set of goals within a specific time frame.  What has been described in many scholar papers and very often experienced by tutors in all of the domains is that it is in fact motivation that is the driver for success in learning.

The term motivation, according to the Pocket Oxford English Dictionary (2004), is “1. the reason or reasons behind one’s actions or behavior.  2. Enthusiasm.” Hence to learn successfully one needs to have reasons to obtain that particular knowledge and to be enthusiastic at the prospect of acquiring that knowledge or skill.

In other words a motivated learner is the one who has a positive attitude towards the process of learning, feels the need to achieve the goal set and his involvement in attaining it is characterized with perseverance.

As much as self-motivation is a driver success in learning, it often happens that it encounters obstacles and lessens in the process. At this point a role of a motivator that is a teacher, tutor, trainer etc. is essential as their task should be to create conducive environment for learning.

Bearing in mind that motivation is the driving force for success in learning; a tutor therefore, should be the one who nourishes the level of motivation among individuals who strive to achieve the activity or skill. Consequently, a motivator should be someone who identifies learners’ needs, difficulties and concerns and answers them in a stimulating manner. 

Successful learning can be therefore considered as a dual process. On one hand it requires self motivation that is understood as an integral drive to do and as a result to achieve something and on the other it requires motivators that would ensure or assist motivation’s intensity.



