Meine Buchempfehlung

Why changing Conflict in Organisations takes Time

Changing conflict conditions in organisations cannot be achieved over night. It takes

time and a considerable investment by both employer and employee. All parties must be committed to changing behaviours and should sign up to some form of team charter.

Conflict will manifest where ever people have contact with each other. It is human nature. However in the workplace, conflict can be extremely counter productive and can cost organisations a lot of money in downtime and resource management.

In the workplace, managers must be trained how to recognise the early signs of conflict so action can be taken to nip things in the bud.  People who work together day in and day out will not necessarily get on with each other.

They should, however, be professional enough to maintain a positive working relationship that allows them to do their job efficiently.  Where conflict does arise perhaps due to personality clashes for example, the manager should intervene and try to sort things out.

Moving one person to a different team or onto a new project might be a short term solution but getting both parties to understand the reasons for the conflict would be a better option. Only then might they learn to accept each other and get on better terms.

Changing conflict conditions in organisations like this can be achieved when people co-operate and show each other respect. A team charter is often used as a first step on the road to changing conflict conditions in organisations. The team charter is drawn up by the team itself so everyone has input and everyone signs up to it.

It sets out what people will and won’t do and how people will and won’t behave.  Once agreed, it is printed off and displayed in a prominent position in the workplace.  This is one simple enabler for changing conflict conditions in organisations.



