Meine Buchempfehlung

Influential Factors in Conflicts

Influential factors in the occurrence of conflicts are the main reasons of a conflict occurring in an organization. These influential factors can be identified as follows Current rank and position, Attendance, Effectiveness, Equal distribution, Bonuses. These are the influential factors responsible for the occurrence of a conflict within a team performing a task.

Initiates and Subs will not get job assigned to them if there are members of the team that has interest. This is to prevent people from joining, getting gains, and then leaving. It forces people to have a vested interest in the guild to receive gear. This may be ignored based on performance, attendance, or the amount of gains made. Attendance is extremely important.

If members aren’t here to perform the task, they’re not going to be able to contribute. Remember that gains will be awarded in order to be as efficient as possible. This means there is a higher chance that a member who attends regularly to gain more as compared to the one rarely showing-up.

In certain situations, while the privilege in question may be a larger upgrade for a newer member, it could be awarded to an expert member who has been in there for weeks or months on end trying to get that advantage. It does not maximize the usefulness of the gains if it is not being used.

Gains should be distributed as equally as possible to the suitable classes that need them. It is unlikely for members to collect more than one bonus from a boss. But it is entirely probable for players to be given multiple privileges in one dash. Last but not the least of the influential factors in conflicts is of bonuses. Set bonuses as per the role of each member in the task so no one can keep a grudge over the other.



