Meine Buchempfehlung

Self- Communication

Self communication is the language used or thought inner to the communicator. It can be helpful to envision intrapersonal communication happening in the mind of the person in a model which encloses a sender, receiver, and feedback circle.

Although self-communication is usually defined as within a personality, matters relating to the practical character of communicating with oneself and troubles regarding communication with non-sentient creatures such as machines have made many dispute this definition as too constricted.

One’s ability to talk to oneself and think in expressions is the main part of the human understanding of awareness. From an immature age, individuals are expected by the society to introspect cautiously, but also to converse the consequences of that introspection.

One’s ability to speak to oneself is very similar to normal dialogue. Children will habitually describe their actions out loud before ultimately replacing the practice with the adult counterpart: sub-vocal expression. During sub-vocal expression, no sound is made but the mouth still moves.

Sooner or later, adults may become skilled at to hold back their mouth movements, although they are still familiar with the words as self-communication.

Self-Communication is basically like any other action. It is mentioned that schizophrenics suffering auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) need only to open their mouths to interrupt the voices in their head. Talking to oneself can be used to shun silence.

Like many other social animals, human-beings used contact calls to keep regular contact with the members of the group, and an indicator of threat was communicated through silence. Because of our evolutionary history, extended silence is thought to be as a sign of threat and generates a feeling of nervousness and terror.

Talking to oneself is only one of the behaviors to plug in stretched gaps of silence in humans. Other customs of filling in extended silence are humming, whistling, finger drumming, or having TV, radio or music on constantly.



