Meine Buchempfehlung

Power Culture

Time structuring is the systematic process of allocating different periods of time to different tasks that one may be under taking. Indeed, time structuring is majorly dependent on the priority that has been placed on the particular tasks and also the amount of time that is available to execute the concerned activities.

These activities should be arranged in terms of their agency to be carried out so that when the time elapses, less priority tasks can be transferred to other time periods.

Time structuring should be based on the maxim that time is a limited resource that should be utilized greatly to facilitate for effective attainment of goals and objectives. In any organizational setting, it’s important that jobs are structured in such a way that they reflect time management and ultimately efficiency in their execution. People or organizations that don’t allocate sufficient time to its most crucial tasks are bound to fail in their short and long time goals.

Role culture is the way of life that is adopted by individuals that perform their duties in a societal and organizational set up. Role is the responsibility that is handed upon people as far as execution of tasks is concerned. Indeed, Role culture concerns the competencies and skills that must be acquired to enable one fit in a certain role in the organization or even society.

When people fit  a certain role profile, they are used to doing certain recurrent tasks that enable them gain proficiency and can be mandated to fill the role as they are used to the role. For example, a father’s role culture might be strengthened by the fact he is the breadwinner in the family and doing this on daily basis will make it a way of life that he adopts in his lifestyle.

Power culture is the way organizations and individuals exercise authority in achievement of set targets and objectives.




