Meine Buchempfehlung

Developing Maturity III

Apartheid was introduced by old-style thinking. It was overturned by a democratic referendum of the white voting population as a result of this changed attitude towards racism, despite hardening attitudes due to the escalating violence. And one of the positive effects is that it has politicized a population which had been largely traditional in its thinking and to whom the idea of self-determination was foreign.

Working form this point of view, one can try to see the benefits arising from an occurrence. There always are.

There is an excellent book called “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie which explores this view.

As one evolves, so one becomes more capable of taking an objective view of circumstances and this greatly reduces the pressures exerted by circumstances. As always, the answer lies within, and you have the power to change things in your life. You just have to choose.

Understanding Transactional Analysis and other methodologies help with understanding the cause of many stresses, and this understanding carries within it the seeds of the solution, just defining a problem properly points to the solution. And if the problem seems to be transferred elsewhere rather than solved, this is an indication that the original definition of the problem was faulty and one needs to seek deeper for the root cause.

Understanding of self is essential to developing true maturity. We are all on a journey, but some don’t realize it.


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