Meine Buchempfehlung

Changing Life Scripts II

Fortunately the tools of EFT and BSFF are available for use against these beliefs. This phenomenon of retained beliefs which sabotage improvement is known as “psychological reversal” in these two therapies and they are a well-known problem. There are particular techniques for overcoming this problem and one can even test to see if the treatment was successful.

There are many success stories available, although sometimes the person involved had to be extremely persistent with treatment until all underlying issues were resolved.

This is part of the problem – there may not be one underlying belief but a whole complex of interrelated beliefs. Fortunately you often don’t have to treat them all. When a few have been treated the subconscious seems to realize the thrust of the effort to overcome a problem and may spontaneously relieve you of the rest of the beliefs. There is a lot of experience to substantiate this, although in the nature of such treatments there is little objective evidence to support the success of these therapies apart from subsequent behavioral changes. 

There was an episode of “Fear Factor” where a woman with a phobia about spiders was treated using EFT and was subsequently able to catch a number of large spiders in a tent by hand and remove them. Phobias are also a type of script and are notoriously difficult to cure. Any therapy which can achieve such success in a few minutes where conventional treatments are imeffective must be worth considering.

In the struggle for personal improvement, any tool which can help overcome such intractable problems must be welcome. I would suggest it is well worth your while to investigate and make use of these techniques. You can use them on yourself, but there are therapists, including psychotherapists, who are experienced in using them and can help you achieve results more quickly. They also know how to address particular deep-seated problems as a result of experience and this may be the route to follow. A list of therapists can be found with an internet search.


(continued from part I)



