Meine Buchempfehlung

Life script Topics

Do the topics, such as fairy tales, music, movies, literature etc., have decisive bearing on Life Scripts?

In order to get a better understanding on what the transaction analysis system and Life Script theory presuppose, and how it affects our lives as adults today, we need to first go back to our childhood and reflect a little on what exactly was our role there and how we went about doing things.

In effect, we need to focus on the origins of all our troubles and point out exactly the Life Script topics we are and were interested in. As a child, you are most often influenced by what is around you, what you see and hear, and how you are taught to react in specific situations. That is to say, mediums such as movies, literature, songs and fairy tales have a deep impact on how you develop as an adult. This is the case of children following the role models that they see on TV.

Since times have changed, less and less people go to fairy tales to consider them when trying to understand the origins of their behavior. If our parents were influenced in their lives by works of literature and fairy tales, focusing their role in life and behavior on certain patterns that can be found in what they have read as children, today, most adults are the direct result of the movies they've seen and the songs they've heard and liked.

In effect, since movies are seldom about a code of honor and important life values and most of them, especially the ones that would make a child interested, are soaked in violence and ways of retribution, the result is dealing with young adults profoundly scarred by such things, that do not know how to act in specific situations and that tend to have a more choleric approach to things. Since this is no way to succeed in life, they often have to turn to self-coaching techniques in order to get over their traumas and psychological scars.



