Meine Buchempfehlung

The Role of Phantasy in developing Life Scripts II

However, such a generated life script does not supplant an existing life script. They simply exist side-by-side. The mind can accommodate many different and contradictory beliefs simultaneously. The old life script will still be there although you may be less aware of it. And any self-defeating that the new script was designed to replace may persist.

This is why people may be disappointed with these therapies. You follow the instructions, develop the new beliefs – but the behavior you wanted to change is still there. To reduce the power of the old script requires both the implantation of new beliefs and the removal of the power of old beliefs, and this requires extensive (and often unsuccessful) psychotherapy or a tool like EFT and BSFF.

Transactional Analysis can be very helpful if your life script overall is good and there are simply certain superficial behavior patterns which you would like to change. But it is less effective and changing really entrenched dysfunctional behaviors because such change requires more than an understanding of what you are doing wrong.

You may know it is wrong, but still find it impossible to change a particular pattern of behavior. In fact, studies have shown that it is less effective than other therapies in aiding real change. It is really useful for identifying and developing an understanding of a problem and pointing to which other therapies may prove most helpful.

People often look down on those who live in a “dream world”, but as long as this reliance on a dream world doesn’t become pathological it may encourage the person to realize a dream and accomplish something that might not have otherwise been attempted. Perhaps this is the true function of dreams and fantasy. Space travel was once fantasy. Everything starts as a dream at some point before it is realized.

The next time you see a child indulging in a fantasy, don’t discourage him. If it seems to have a “not OK” hero, rather try to grip the imagination with a more therapeutic hero. Join in the fantasy, if this helps to enhance its appeal. Or perhaps a touch of reality could help and you might point out what a loser the hero is... You are dealing with something that is far more than just “child’s play”.

(continued from part I)



