Meine Buchempfehlung

Script of Life - An Attempt II

Perhaps where the life script is most influential though is in the methodologies chosen to achieve our dreams, many goals are human at heart in that they are commonly found throughout many cultures, the methods by which we achieve them are hugely variant however. For example, many strive to leave a legacy, yet there are a million different ways to do this.

Every goal however must bow to the law of balance, for example to desire wealth in order to support your family is normal however to desire wealth as if it were the objective of living in and of itself is an imbalanced neurotic attitude. Jung wrote that all addictions were bad, even idealism, he understood this principle of balance very well.

When beginning to analyze our own personal life script then we should first search for proactive behaviors, what do we go out of our way to do? This is a good starting point for finding impulses and once these impulses are identified then we can begin to think through what kind of scripting could give rise to them, whether positive, negative or perhaps ambivalent, containing potentialities for both.

There can be no guide written for this process except in very basic terms, the best advice perhaps would be "to thine own self be true". This quote is interpreted in many ways but I would suggest two main themes of importance. The first is never to entertain your own excuses, a person able to lie to themselves is infinitely dangerous and foolish in one. Secondly, and more positively, we all have an intuitive life direction we feel to be ours alone, a distinguishing impulse, one must not betray this, one must not settle for mediocrity.


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