Meine Buchempfehlung

Inner Search II

The point of this is that one is trying to find the beliefs and experiences which have resulted in problems with your life script. A good TA therapist can help with this process by asking questions which can lead to the identification of causal incidents, but many people do this for themselves.

There are techniques such as recognition where one attempts to look at the conclusions drawn and see in the light of your current perspective whether the resulting beliefs are appropriate and then try to change the belief.

Unfortunately these outdated beliefs can be held very tenaciously and, though this process seems intuitively appealing, it may be relatively ineffective at changing a life script. The beliefs one wishes to implant are often already held: they just don’t have the power of the childhood belief.

This seclusion and searching of the past is a useful and a necessary one for mental health, and we would never wish to discourage something which is so necessary to our mental health. However techniques like EFT and BSFF are much quicker at defusing such destructive beliefs.

You don’t even have to discover the reason or particular beliefs which are behind a dysfunctional behaviour pattern or attitude: you can simply do a blanket treatment for any beliefs or any remaining beliefs which are causing the problem

The point of these treatments is that your subconscious mind is aware of exactly what the beliefs are that may be troubling you. Unfortunately your previous instructions and repeated use embed them very tenaciously and just trying to replace them with new beliefs will not work.  Some proven, effective tool is necessary.

n this process, you will often search the past for clues to particular feelings or for unresolved issues which are affecting your performance or social interactions. Sometimes these can be very hard to discover, but a process where one presents a request to the subconscious and then simply allows it time to develop and present an answer to you can be helpful. This is where some undemanding activity to distract the conscious mind is useful.

(continued from part I)



