Meine Buchempfehlung

Structuring of Child Ego

There is no doubt that a human personality is a combined product of nature and nurture, meaning that although one is born with a set of qualities and trait: the nature, and the environment in which those qualities flourish or diminish leas to the formation of the personality. Similar is the case of ego development as described by transaction analysts.

Despite the Child’s natural instincts to handle the environment and its problems, it is mainly the influence of upbringing/ education that determines the Child’s behavior in most of the circumstances. Rules and regulations that are set for a Child’s benefit may not always be as beneficial for all of them.

As explained earlier that each Child has his own pre set traits and some of them are shy and reserved and if they same set of rules are applied to them as to those kids who are confident and carefree, it may yield very different results.

For instance, a Child who is unexpressive and reserved when starts to ask a few questions and if snubbed by someone, his hesitation to ask questions would turn into careful withdrawal from social gatherings and conversations and ultimately if not given due attention, the Child could become a loner and such impressions of early life have huge impact on the adult personality of the kid and he may never grow out of this fear of saying the wrong thing and hence go into a cocoon and resign himself to a world of his own and say as little as possible in social encounters.

What one must keep in mind while dealing with children is that they have very impressionable minds and your every rule and regulation along with your reaction is going to have a great impact on their life as well as their shaping of personality overall.


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