Meine Buchempfehlung

An Overview of Child Ego

One of the most important states of the ego as illustrated by Eric Berne is the Child ego state. It is much like Freud’s id in principle but as Bernie deals with the subject of transaction analysis so his definition of ego states is more socio-cognitive than individualistic or subconscious in nature.

Child ego as the name implies means the impulsive, joyous and immature state and can come an individual at any time. One cannot hazard a guess at what motivates the transit of an individual from the Adult ego to the Child ego but it is for sure that adult resort to this state as much as children act in Parent or Adult ego state.

Motivation my come from the other party acting in Parent ego mode which moves one to act just as childish, or it may just be a defense reaction but it takes hold of one’s action very quickly and smoothly.
For every individual childhood is different so when they fall back to their child ego they act in a way they would have, had they been a kid in this situation.

For example a kid aware of his parents’ expectation throughout his childhood acts as a responsible adult and even when he is an adult he feels pressure of his bosses or spouses expectations and strives to gain their approval, meaning he is still working under his Child ego. His dreams and wishes do not hold the importance that they should in his life.

Although this gives an illusion of an Adult ego but in reality it is the ego of a child of overpowering parents. So as one may take Child ego as immature and fanciful but in fact it may be somber and holds different meaning for every individual.


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