Meine Buchempfehlung

Importance of Systemic Thinking

Systemic thinking is a tool that helps you see the big picture and identify root causes. It suggests that the careful analysis ofpatterns of behavior and recurring cycles  will indicate points of leverage where cost-effective changes should be made. Its one of the biggest breakthroughs in how we understand and effect the changes in our organizations. 

Systemic thinking has helped a lot of people to excel in their personal and professional life. It helps them in aligning their thinking with each other resulting in lesser conflicts, so regardless of their independent professions with subtle differences, they are able to think alike. It helps you in differentiating symptoms from the real problem.

How often we trying to solve the symptoms when we should have invested our energies in figuring out the solution to the real problem? It also helps you in realizing the short and long implications of the decisions taken by you, thus helping you in solving the problems in timely and effective manner. It helps you in solving problems by coming to practical, workable solutions, whether its personal or professional life.

Although its a never ending process and is a broad concept, but it mainly constitutes of Identifying and analyzing the problem before deciding what action to take, formulate more than one option, define and then establish a criteria to select one of those options and then finally take a decision based on your analysis.

Quickly coming to a conclusion will not result in wonderful and rosy situations every time. You need to invest time in figuring out options, channel your thoughts and more importantly document them. All thoughts and ideas deserve proper examination, even if they seem to be wild or impractical.

You will be able to easily sideline those options from next time which has not worked last time and give more focus to those who gave encouraging response, hence in future you will be able to think in smaller and less number of steps while solving your problem. Last but not the least, you should always work within a time frame and have  milestones, else you may never be able to come to an end.



