Meine Buchempfehlung

Time Structuring and Perception III

When we look further into this question of time, we have all experienced the phenomenon of subjective time, with a clock usefully representing objective time. “The watched pot never boils”, says an old idiomatic expression. This is subjective time – an anticipated event seems to take much longer to happen,

even though the time of its occurrence is clearly known and it happens when due. Such is the experience of waiting for the bell for the end of class or school. On the other hand, something that is pleasurable always seems over far too quickly.

Wanted tasks are tackled immediately and seem to be completed very quickly. Unwanted tasks on the other hand are postponed until later. When eventually tackled they seem to take an unusually long time to complete.

But is important to understand that this phenomenon is actually under one’s personal control, and one can turn unwanted tasks into a competition to see how quickly they can be completed, which has the effect of reducing the subjective time. The very term “subjective” indicates that it can be controlled. This is also something that improves with practice, although it may seem very difficult to do initially. This and other similar techniques are very helpful in overcoming procrastination. But don’t forget to use EFT or BSFF as well. The long term psychological and physical health benefits of all available techniques can be astonishing,

Anecdote: It is sometimes said that diseases are in your mind, but that is the worst place for them to be if one doesn’t know how to control one’s thinking.

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