Meine Buchempfehlung

Human Development - Determinants II

Children having opposite sex siblings have less issues understanding the sexual differences. Single kids are at a disadvantage in this aspect and the responsibility totally lies on the parents to educate them.
In India, this is a serious issue as adults hardly bring this topic in front of the kids. Even the correct words to use for the private parts are not generally conveyed.

This develops the kid into an ignorant, curious pre-teenager who is also shy with people of the opposite sex. They hide all minor indulgences from the parents, including watching harmlessly sensual TV programs. They continuously think that something is wrong with them until the day they are exposed to the ultimate truth of how they were born.

This is a hard phase in a kid’s life where temporarily he starts loathing his own parents. This process can be made very easy to them with small effort from the parents during the early childhood of their children. Lack of proper knowledge usually results in either too much attraction or too much restraint towards the opposite sex, both of which deter the overall transformation of the kid into a responsible adult.

Knowledge of maintaining proper hygiene and consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse is one very important aspect highly relevant in today’s world even in conservative countries like India. Parents should come out of some of the old taboos associated with the conservative families and help in the overall development of their kids which will increase the number of responsible and righteous citizens in the country and will decrease the number of sexual crimes.

(continued from part I)


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