Meine Buchempfehlung

Ego Development in Modern Age

In this modern age of extremely fast and effective communication and technology it is hard to fathom how is it that we still find it difficult to communicate our feelings. Transactional analysts believe it is because we fall into cross transaction as neither one of the party is ready to realize the importance of deciphering the other party’s ego state and adjust their own accordingly for a complementary transaction, meaning if one is in Adult state you should talk to him as an Adult but if one is a Child try Parent ego to placate him.

Child has remained the same through the time but one must consider the environmental influences of this present age and seemingly present day child ego has undergone several important changes. Firstly it is clear that modern day child is not as carefree as they were used to be, they are introduced to a very competitive environment so early that they can hardly understand what they are racing for, let alone its significance. Hence they start having worries and fears about failing or winning.

Secondly they are no longer just influenced by home environment and parents, with the influx of information they have to decide for themselves as to what is right and what is wrong, and resultantly are more confused than their Adult, although childhood used to be the time of your life when everything made sense, the Child was sure of the morals and the values.

Lastly, it was the nature which was the primary stimulant of Child’s imaginative and creative working, but now activation of mind is brought about by computer games and action figures and not only do they suffer from illness like mental fatigue rather than physical but also have lost their simplicity, and no longer a Child is a simple innocent state to understand as too many factors have been added which has made it complex and obscure.


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