Meine Buchempfehlung

Influences in Child Ego Development

Child ego is a strong impulsive state that you experience every now and then, but what needs to be examined is the true nature of that Child and how it got shaped so. Despite the fact that every Child has his own personality which has very individualistic characteristics, yet the role of environment and genes cannot be denied.

Early influences of the environment have a strong impact on the Child’s development not only intellectually but also behaviorally, for example a child who has been brought up in a well knitted family structure would not only respect the obligations of relationships but also treat his other relationship with more ease and comfort.

On the other hand he would be expected to come up to the mark as he carries the family name and has to make his grandparents and parents proud. Such a child is burdened down with expectations and he loses sight of his own dreams and hopes and starts working to carry out the wishes of the family.

Such a Child is called Adapted Child by Berne, it is not necessarily because the parents were strict or unloving, but it is so because the first conditioning of the Child was to give the family first priority, as he has seen his father and grandfather, and automatically he learns to put his dreams o the back and do what needs to be done for the family.

So even as an adult he is faced with an issue at office and that Child takes over, he does not go for the logical option that would benefit him professionally but think in the best interest of the Group he is associated with and strive to make them satisfied and put his own interests on the back seat.

This shows that our early influences, impact our Adult decisions without us recognizing and they are not always beneficial for us and had our Adult logical here and now made that decision we would have been better off.


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